Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 80

Day, I really have been out here a long time!

Oh well, the number of days I've spent out here isn't seeming as important at this point. Instead, I'm focused on the number of miles to go, which have been ticking down quickly (even by my standards) recently. Yesterday was my best day yet in terms of mileage, and today during the day I did another 39nautical miles, two better than I did yesterday. We'll see what the night brings, but this will go down as a good day either way.

A couple more signs of approaching land today - I saw four frigate birds (the huge black ones) around the boat at the same time this morning, which was pretty cool. There is one around more often than not recently, and they're entertaining to watch. Today I saw one catch a flying fish and eat it whole while in flight. Impressive!

I'm also happy to report that the forecast for the next week looks pretty good for my final approach and landing in Antigua. I had been heading a little North in preparation for some winds coming late next week that I thought would blow me south on Wed/Thurs, but these have lessened so it's time to head back south again.

I don't want to jinx myself, but so far things are still looking good for an arrival sometime next weekend. Fingers crossed!

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A Challenge to the Rowing Community

Do you row? Have you rowed? Do you know someone who rows? If so, here's a special challenge to you!

Taking inspiration from Paul Ridley's incredible solo row across the Atlantic, Bob Glendening has generously offered to match all new donations to from members of the rowing community. His generosity also stems from his family's devotion to rowing and its personal experience with cancer. The Glendening Boat House at Colgate was given by the family in 2004 in memory of his mother, who lost her battle with cancer in 2000.

So if you row and you want to show your support for a fellow rower who's crossing the Atlantic solo and unsupported, please consider an online donation to

Please be sure to add "Glendening Challenge" when completing the Gift Information section online at

Thanks, Bob!



Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

I am your Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill's nephew Jon Rice, from Albany NY. I have been following your progress regularly and just want to let you know I am thinking of you and your fantastic voyage! All the best!


Anonymous said...


Wow! It's almost done! You sound in great spirits, as you should :-)

I hope that the entertainment continues (frigates, planes etc.)

We're still rooting for you here back home. Spring may have arrived but we had snow Thursday! It didn't stay around but the first day of Spring was a bit unnerving.....

March Madness is underway and the economy is still a mess. You might want to turn around and row back :-)

Keep the faith!


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,
I am glad that so far the end of your journey is looking so positive. I will continue to pray that you keep making impressive mileage each day.
We have found out that the Town of Binghamton is dedicating a little league field to Robert on June 6th. They will a ceremony and balloon release. We are also going to have 5K run on May 30th called Robert's Run. We are hoping it will be an annual event to raise money for his scholarship fund. His scholarship is going to be for a student who kept a positive attitude while living with a health condition, just as he did.
I can't wait to see you back on land and I am sure all your family will be very relieved as well. Will Brooklyn return to your apartment or is she a permanent resident of Liv?
Take care. Love, Marlene

Anonymous said...

Hi all, it's Joy. I spoke with Paul this morning about his interview with CNN tomorrow, and about logistics for his approach. He sounded great, and is very much looking forward to a nice long shower when he reaches land. Can't believe we're getting so close!

And for Kyle and Bill Koffler, whom I hope are reading this -- I just tried to email you about Antigua, but I must not have the right addresses. Please try me at Can't wait to see you there!

Unknown said...

You are the best. I tried to do the worm at a wedding tonight and cut my chin up... bad news... hoprefully i will have a sweet scar when i see you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul!

If you keep up the miles you're making of late, you're going to beat everyone heading to Antigua to greet you there! I heard you had said you'd row around in the harbor for a day if that happens but with the miles you're making, you may have to do that for several days!

So now may be a good time to really enjoy the sights (since you seem to be having a larger variety than what most of your trip has been!). Also, from what I've heard, you may need to rest up for your arrival and all the plans for celebrating!

You're remarkable! And you remain in my thoughts and prayers!

A Friend of K-Rock

Anonymous said...

Hi Buddy - Sounds like things are definitely blowing your way for what will probably be your last days on the water.You would be surprised by how many people have said 'He's finished ALREADY?!?' when we tell then about your progress.We're guessing that you don't share that 'already' thought. But following your progress through the miserable months of January/Feb/Mar in the Northeast has certainly been a bright spot in each day for many - for a variety of reasons.Let's not wax too philosophical this week. Let's just keep praying for favorable winds and a nice soft landing in English Harbor. It's very important to keep your guard up - head in the game, ass in the boat - it's all goin' great!xxoo-

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the latest progress. I hope it continues this way for about another week (or less?)!

Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your return to land.

Stay strong through the finish!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I discovered you at CNN. I think your journey is very cool, keep it up!
Just wanted to drop by and say hi
I'm in Ithaca, New York

Unknown said...

Just listened to you on CNN!! Always love hearing your voice! Especially loved that you told her Benny was going to be your pet if you were out there too much longer, ha.

Anonymous said...

I heard about your journey from Melissa M's dad, Phil, and I just wanted to congratulate you on your progress and wish you Godspeed on your approach 'home'. Your cause has touched so many of us. and I thank you for all you've done.


Chris McNickle said...


Day 80 makes me think of Jules Verne's famous story "Around the World in 80 Days." The difference is his was just a story.

Great to see you are almost there. It has been chilly up here. Antigua is sounding almost as good to me as it is to you.


Anonymous said...


You're just that much closer to the 'Magic Circle" and the tasty elixir I have promised you.

Heck, I'll even pour one for Joy too, even though she's been slacking compared to you.{LOL}
I will have to check Anna's ID before we can let her join us.

Godspeed, and Good Luck !!

Wild Bill

john said...

go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!!! you're almost there big fella!