Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 88: HE DID IT!!!


Hear Paul live on CNN at 4:45 P.M. today (Sunday).


Anonymous said...


Be well. Be safe. Have a tremendous reunion.

Thank you so much for the journey!

Anonymous said...

congrats! you did an amazing thing! you should be incredibly proud of yourself and what you have done to raise awareness, and raise money for cancer. enjoy your rest in antigua!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Paul!!!! Wish I could be there to help celebrate!


Matt said...

Amazing job Paul!
I hope you can bask in the glory of this amazing achievement for many years to come!
Way to go dude!!!!
Wish I was there to buy you a beer - hey, I'll make another donation instead!

Anonymous said...

Whew! Ok, now I'm really happy (and relieved)! Enjoy your shore leave! Enjoy your celebration with family and friends in Antigua and get back Stateside, safe and sound. Hope you will make a trip back to your old church, Christ the King (Vestal, NY) and let us share in your victory celebrations! We are so proud of you! God Bless....elaine

Anonymous said...



Job well done.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn and Bill (CTK church)

Anonymous said...

So glad you are safe and sound! I'm a lurker (sister of one of your friends) that has been following your journey for a while now. You are an amazing person and have accomplished a one of a kind goal. You will have some awesome stories to tell for the rest of your days. Have a great time in Antigua!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Paul! Know you are all having a great reunion. Wish you could have seen everyone at CTK gathering around the computer in my office for the latest updates!
Way to go!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just watched your interview on CNN. So happy so many turned out to see you. Hope you get a chance to see Antigua. The people of the country are what keep us going back year after year. PS they have a great bbq up on Shirly Heights on Sunday nite. Just up the road from where you are.

Looking forward to your future.

Fred Jones
upstate NY

Bill Petersen said...


Your wet + wild wilderness experience has truly been inspirational (esp. during Lent). Blessings as you make the media rounds continuing your journey raising needed $$$ for cancer research.

You embody the slogan "God's work. Our Hands." Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Paul you are truly amazing!!! Can't wait to see you - Stamford has missed you!!!! - Liz Barron

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Paul! I cannot thank you enough for all of the adventures and the vicarious thrills. You have made the winter much more bearable.
I have donated the price of a good book and I challenge others who have enjoyed your blog all winter long to do the same.

Unknown said...

You have done something that most of us could only dream of.
Been following your progress every day
All the best. Hope to see you back in Norwalk.
Wish I was there to see you set foot on land


Holden Family said...

Congratulations to you Paul!

We happened to be passing in Nelson's Dockyard as Paul rowed in, and were lucky enough to see him arrive on dry land. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience just to see and listen to Paul as he came ashore. A true inspiration.

Well done also to your whole support team - a lot of hard work behind the scenes.

(We were the family with the two young girls running around - we sailed across in a 38ft yacht from the Canaries in December - our achievement pales against yours!!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your achievement. I just read the article on are an inspiration!

Seshat said...

Paul -
Your journey is absolutely incredible! What a joy to fighting cancer! God bless -
The Siefka's

Unknown said...

We love you Paul: For your motivation to act on compassion and love, for your strength of mind and character, for your fortitude, your resolve, for being the person you have chosen to be.
Jack Gilroy, Chair
St James RC Church
Peace/Justice Committee
Johnson City, NY

Anonymous said...

It was Awesome to follow you on your journey across the Atlantic. I'm glad you chose to share your experience with all of us who followed you. ou are an inspiration to me and I'm sure i'll tell my daughter about you one day.

J. Millan
Lancaster, PA
In the Light ministries

Eileen S said...

Bet you'll be enjoying the company and the food! Can't wait to hear all about it, proud of you! :D


Zara said...

Congratulations, Boo!!! We wish we could be there and are so happy for you!!!

Chris and Zara

Anonymous said...

You have done your mother very, very proud. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

For every CNN interview, it was great to hear your voice. It was even sweeter to hear the joy in your voice for this last interview.

My whole family has been by the computer all weekend following your progress, and we all watched CNN at 4:45.

What an accomplishment! What relief that the hard part is over! (I bet it hasn't even sunk in yet that you did it. You're done!) Now the fun part - media interviews, raising money, talking about your once-in-a-lifetime experience. I know I can't wait to hear all about it when you're back at GA!

Enjoy being on land again. Congratulations!

- Denise @ GA

Anonymous said...

Congrats Paul. You are my hero! God Bless

Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Paul! We watched your interview on CNN today. We met you at the "Head of the Charles" rowing event in Cambridge,MA, back on Nov 18th, 2008. Thanks for letting us all follow your adventure on your web page. It is hard to believe that you really went all the way across the Atlantic in that tiny yellow boat. What an amazing journey!

Andy Zimmerman said...

well done mate, well done!


Karen said...

Amazing! Thank you, Paul! I lost my mother to breast cancer, my grandmother to leukemia and now I have leukemia. Thank you for what you are doing!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations!! To You and all who have participated!!

Prayers are such a big part of all journeys!

Celebrate and let's keep rowforhope going.

Many Blessings to all.

Much Love,

Phil & Margo

Kevin said...

Paul, glad you made it safely!

You even made the home page of CNN.

Anonymous said...

When you slept at night what kept the boat from drifting too far off course and losing all your progress?

gh said...

Congratulations and well done Paul!

Hope you would like to share pics of recent activity and celebrations with your online readers as well.

gh said...

Over full 88 days, your average velocity was 2.2375 Km/Hour!

Anonymous said...

you are amazing. I only heard about your endeavor today after it's completion. Congrats on your success. I am new to rowing but love the sport and have a son in high schjool "Crew." Sending a donation tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I got shivers just reading this. Congrats Paul!! Looking forward to seeing you on all sorts of TV showers, but mostly looking forward to seeing you in person in good old BINGHAMTON!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats paul- You are an amazing guy- I am glad you are safe adn sound on land- enjoy some good food, good drink adn the love of those that met you at your destination. keep writing the blog

Blonde Saffron said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a great accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!!!

ERinn from TOronto

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Paul!! We knew you could do it!!

Joe and Jule Yanuzzi

Anonymous said...

good job bubba....celebrate...but not like r kelly


Anonymous said...

I really don't think there's anything I can say that hasn't been said.

Dude, you rock. Can't wait to see you home!

Don't forget to bring Brooklyn

So, is the Pacific next?


Anonymous said...

Stunning job mate. I am relieved that you are safe and doing well. Congrats once again.

Anonymous said...


Martha said...

Congratulations Paul!!! I've enjoyed these past months following you across the ocean. You are an incredible young man! I row/erg with a group of breast cancer survivors and have kept them updated on your journey! You are inspiring!
Martha Bruehl

Brent said...

Woo Hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy for you have come a long way...pumped to see yas in the next few weeks...will have a cold one waiting for you.


Anonymous said...

AYYYYY ya made it... Guess we will have to put the Heineken on ice for yas. Have a good time in antigua see ya in binghamton.


Julie Harris said...

So proud of you Paul, and can't wait to have you home in Stamford again! What an amazing achievement. You are truly one in a million!

Julie H

Bryan Comer said...

Congrats Paul! Weigh enough!

Rich Z said...


I just finished reading the whole 88-day blog from start to finish. What a fascinating journey and a hell of a worthy cause. Time for some well deserved rest!

Rich Z
Austin, TX

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Paul! A fantastic achievement and a wonderful tribute to your mom.


Amy said...

Awesome!!! Congratulations! Great job - very inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Paul, you are in the history books. Bet you'll sleep good tonight. Hope to see pics of your landing.
Good job, rest well.

Lauren said...


You're a much braver person than I am, what you did.. pretty dang impressive! And for a wonderful cause!

I had heard your story and what you were doing a while ago and looked you up here, but never realized you had a blog. I'll be reading all of the pages when I have more time. I wish I had known about this blog so that I could stay up to date! You should do it again! (lol)

Anyway, congratulations and be proud! Because I don't know you and I'm proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Each blister is a bliss to your becoming.

Arthur Pang

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Truly inspirational! Wish I had heard about this earlier to cheer you on along your difficult journey! As a fellow rower I'm so impressed by this journey and might seek to follow in your footsteps some day. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you!

Happy Alaskan said...

What an exceptional accomplishment! I am embarrassed to learn of your quest only today (the last day) but have just spent at least an hour reading your blog. This was an amazingly well organized effort. Paul, you get bonus credit for doing the rowing. For the rest of your team, you should be so proud for your group accomplishment!

Welcome back to the left side of the pond... and well done all!

Anonymous said...

Shouts and cheers from the Newark VAlley 8th graders!!!
Prayers for relaxation and reflection and a safe journey for everyone back to the states.
Denise S

Anonymous said...

WTG did an incredibly amazing thing , for a super great cause..thank you for all the time and effort you put toward this event..c

Unknown said...

Hooray Paul,
Survivor Atlantic! You did it!
How are your sea legs????
My whole class is thrilled for you! Joe brought the Sunday news into school this morning with your face on the front page! Congratulations on a job well done. Your Mom is so proud!

Are you going to go to Binghamton before head back to Connecticut?
Mrs. Black
and her 2nd grade class!

Anonymous said...

You have just done and completed something truly amazing. I am in awe of your fierce determination. Your life has changed forever. Congratulations! Maribeth

john said...

you did it! Congrats!!!!!!! Way to go big guy.

Zack Bloom said...

Porch drinks coming soon! Nice job buddy, very nice job!

Allyson A. said...

All of Binghamton is smiling today - relieved and celebrating not only your epic achievement, but your humility, humor, commitment and endurance through it all! Truly a benchmark of hope you've given so many! With deepest thanks and CHEERS!! And now -- please take some time to rest and play!
Allyson A.

whatever said...

YEAH!!! I am so happy for all of you. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are awesome! This just goes to prove what my mother has always said. You can do "ANYTHING" you put your mind to do. Enjoy your glory!


Matt said...

Congratulations! I just read your blog & can't wait to hear your overall summary of the whole trip.
And if you ever do it again... I'd like to send you an mp3 player full of good tunes!

Anonymous said...

I'm a friend of Joy's and have been following your blog the whole time. What an awesome, mind-blowing accomplishment!!!!!!! Congrats, and take time to soak it all in...YOU DID IT!!!