Wind and waves are definitely back today, and mileage looks like it will be good, though we'll see what I can make at night. Am starting to get worried about being blown too far south, as I'm only 18 degree-minutes or so of latitude north of the finish line in Antigua. Can't worry about it too much, though; I'll take north as I can get it, which should be more often as the trade winds straighten out to blow due west as I get closer to the Caribbean.
I've realized that I'm never going to be happy with the state of the wind/waves. When it's too little, all I want is more, and now I'm wishing for a little less so I won't get banged around as much at night.
A happy Colgate Day to all! For the Colgate crowd, I unfortunately had to throw out my Colgate gray sweats in Week Two when they got wet and refused to dry. They were my single favorite article of clothing and weren't easy to part with, but maybe someone out there has an in with the powers that be and could get me a new pair for when I get home... With that said, I did row today in my Colgate rowing shorts -- the first ones I ever owned, which were given to me freshman year of college before our first race. Black with red/white stripes down the side. Kinda gross that I still have and wear them, huh? I think they'll be ready for retirement after this row...and maybe I will be too!?
I hear Valentines Day is tomorrow. Brooklyn is upset that I didn't get her anything, but my comeback is that all my friends back home are apparently oogling her body paint pictures in the new SI swimsuit issue, so maybe they'll make it up to her.
Thanks to all who have supported this expedition and important research at Yale Cancer Center with a donation to Row for Hope. If you haven't donated, or if you would consider donating again, it would be much appreciated. To donate online use the link in the upper right-hand corner of this page or visit
Paul, Happy Friday the 13th! Tomic is in Chicago today so Dan and I convinced her to attend the Chicago Alumni happy hour tonight. We're going to drink beers and talk about Row for Hope.
Can't wait to see you in Antigua!
Hi Paul,
I just returned from a movie night fundraiser for Robert at the middle school. They showed Kung Foo Panda. It had a bit of a Star Wars theme and was quite funny. The end was actually very appropriate for Robert because Panda just couldn't stop talking - just like Robert. There is no way he could have rowed across the Atlantic because he had to talk pretty much all the time that he was awake. We found out he was even texting when he was in the media booth at church!
I have to say your meals don't sound very appetizing. I just had some really good chicken spedies and garlic and cheese mashed potatoes. Maybe the thought of that will help you row faster for home.
We have the SI swimsuit addition on our kitchen table. Last year's addition is with Robert. Sean was impressed by several of the pictures but I haven't checked it out. I didn't realize that Brooklyn was in it. Apparently some of them aren't wearing bathing suits but are wearing painted on bathing suits. I don't think you can swimming in one of those!
I hope you are feeling positive and thinking good and positive thoughts. I am jealous of the 70 degree weather since we are still cold. Take care. Love, Marlene
Happy Colgate Day! Finally gave you my
super bowl money plus interest because i waited so long. good milage today man. way to make the most of the waves
no quad gear in the house...
Hi Buddy - Yes, it's Valentines Day. A big weekend all around - led off by Fri 13 (a big day for Colgate folks I understand - Liz went all the way to Chicago to find your alum friends to celebrate with), today is Valentines, Monday is Presidents Day - we couldn't hold on to Wild Bill's Lincoln Costume until you get back, but we'll have pictures.And best of all, you should be pretty darn close to that half-way point you've been aiming for!More than enough reasons for champagne I think! Very glad to hear that you're getting bounced around by good winds - keep bouncing forward - you'll be on 'the downhill' before you know it - xxoo-
I have been busy spreading the word about your mission to many of my friends, neighbors, clients, internet buddies, etc, in hopes that they too will contribute to the fund.
I think I got another contribution yesterday from a client of mine from Long Island.
I am trying....
Oh NO!!! Not the Grays!!! From what we've learned, any Colgate Athlete would have had a real dilemma ... grays ... food ...grays ... equipment ... grays ... Oh my! Hoping the powers that be come through for you.
Be well. Be safe. Row Hard.
Mourning the tragic loss of the greys...I'm sure you can convince someone at the 'gate to contribute some new ones to your cause.
Keep it up, Paul, what you're doing is more heroic and determined than anything I've ever seen.
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