Short update today, as a slower morning meant I rowed longer than normal tonight and am now behind schedule for my nightly routine.
The champagne did not live up to the hype, as it turned out either to be really bad champagne or had suffered from too much time in a hot boat. It was pretty disgusting -- room temperature at best and tasted vaguely like fermented apples. Despite my best efforts to enjoy it, and trust me I tried my hardest, I threw it out after a few sips. Oh well, I'm sure the champagne in Antigua is better!
Your comments have been lively as usual, and everyone seems to be worried about the sores. Good news is that I don't think they've gotten worse in the last few days, thanks to a more involved de-salting regimen and a new pad that I made with cutouts for my butt bones. I'll get a picture up tomorrow hopefully -- sorry to disappoint the ladies, but it will be of the pad, not my butt!
Thanks to all who have supported this expedition and important research at Yale Cancer Center with a donation to Row for Hope. If you haven't donated, or if you would consider donating again, it would be much appreciated. To donate online use the link in the upper right-hand corner of this page or visit
Hi Paul, I for one do not wish to see your butt!! I could be old enough to be your mother, so - "no thanks!"
The champagne sounded pretty gross. I think you should try for a pina colada in Antigua. They taste much better than champagne. I am a fan of the mixed drink.
We have gotten just a dusting of snow so far tonight. I hope there isn't more in the morning.
I hope the winds help push you along so you can work towards that St. Patrick's day landing :) Take care. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Marlene
I am sorry to hear that your champagne was not the hype that you were hoping!!! That just goes to show how great it will be when you reach Antigua!
Happy winds!
Erinn from Torotno
Hi Buddy - Expectations are tricky things - perhaps the idea of reaching the champagne milestone overshadowed any possible taste experience. And the milestone did happen - that's the really good news! To see 'day 50' on the post is just mind blowing - when you were 20 days out at the beginning of the trip, it seemed barely worth mentioning. Now that there are 20 days left, we're saying 'Only 20?' - wow!It's still a haul - keep up the heath routines, keep up your strength, keep the expectations high for Antigua! We'll keep praying for your safety and success right until the last stroke of the oars!xxoo-
Hi Paul
That's great half way there. just like the bonjovi song! Too bad about the champane, I kinda thought it would spoil. Antigua rum is much better anyway. I must say the rowing is really working on your arms, I think the sharks might think twice before attacking. Looking forward to the butt pictures! Keep up the hard work!
Bummer about the champagne! Couldn't have been worse than peach Andre!! My personal favorite Andre moment involves a fuzzy white mohair visor and drinking out of a goblet-sized margarita glass. If I recall you sported the visor for a portion of the night.
welp it is time to embark in the seasonal trip to baltimore w/ chuck and our room mate christian. Should be fun times....if nothing else will spend time rocking on people over fantasy baseball.
You will pumped to know that they have linked a trainer who is banned from mlb locker rooms for carrying a duffel bag full of syringes and steroids to arod. they traveled for years...this guy stayed in the room w/ his cousin who supposively injected him. Brutal!!
think you need to mcgyver your emergency oars w/ your regular ones together for more speed!!
If you can target a March 25 arrival in Antigua it will provide me with a reason to skip a matrix meeting to be there to greet you!
Row on. Seeing your progress is great. Seeing your butt . . . not so much.
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