Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lots more goodbyes...

Wow, so its been another busy day today getting ready to leave. My phone's been ringing off the hook with people wishing me good luck, which has been great. Based on everyone's goodbye's it seems like they're expecting me to disappear for years, rather than just a few months while I go splash around on my little rowing trip. Either way, its good to hear that so many people are following this!

One question I've gotten a lot is about how people can keep in touch with me while I'm out there. There are a few ways:
1) all of the comments on this blog will be consolidated and e-mailed to me in the boat
2) you can track my progress on to see how fast I'm rowing
3) you can e-mail me at and my land-based team will forward these e-mails to me in the boat

Words of encouragement will be much appreciated while I'm at sea!



Anonymous said...

Just read about your journey and fundraising on the Colgate website and wanted to wish you well.

Anonymous said...

Ridley - I'll drink one beer each day for as many days as you're at sea.


Anonymous said...

Paul, Talked with you after the Blackburn, wishing you well and favorable winds and weather. Will be thinking of you while erging. Peace and happy holidays. Mark Allen